Ycash: The first friendly fork of Zcash
Ycash, the first friendly fork of Zcash, launched to restore a goal, mining on commodity hardware, that has been largely abandoned on the Zcash blockchain.
At launch, Ycash implements the following key changes to Zcash:
- The mining algorithm is changed from Equihash(200,9) to Equihash(192,7).
- The Zcash Founders Reward rate is reduced from 20% to a perpetual 5%, with the entirety going to the nonprofit Ycash Foundation. The Zcash Founders Reward is renamed the Ycash Development Fund.
- The address formats have been changed to eliminate confusion between Ycash and Zcash.
You can learn more about the Fork announcement and Ycash principles here.
The following exchanges have announced that they will support Ycash from the mainnet launch.
To redeem the Ycash Airdrop follow this comprehensive guide by the Ycash Foundation.
What you’ll need to start mining …
Ycash uses the Equihash 192_7 algorithm. There are a few mining software’s to choose from:
- Gminer (Nvidia/AMD) (Linux/Windows) (mandatory 2% dev fee)
- EWBF’s Cuda Equihash Miner (Nvidia) (Linux/Windows) (optional dev fee, 2% by default)
- miniZ (Nvidia) (Linux/Windows) (mandatory 2% dev fee)
- lolMiner (AMD) (Linux/Windows) (mandatory 1% dev fee)
Pool Stratums
Pick one of the Stratum nodes below (ensure it is port 6655) according to your nearest location:
- yec-us.luxor.tech:6655
- yec-eu.luxor.tech:6655
- yec-asia.luxor.tech:6655
Connection Strings
miner --algo 192_7 --pers auto --server yec-us.luxor.tech --port 6655 --user [WALLET or USERNAME].[WORKER] --pass x
EWBF’s Cuda Equihash Miner
miner --algo 192_7 --server yec-eu.luxor.tech --port 6655 --user [WALLET or USERNAME].[WORKER] --pass x
miniZ.exe --url [WALLET or USERNAME].[WORKER]@yec-us.luxor.tech:6655 --log --gpu-line --extra
lolMiner.exe --pool yec-asia.luxor.tech --port 6655 --user [WALLET or USERNAME].[WORKER] --pass x
User Accounts
With User Accounts, there are enhanced security features to protect your mining operation while providing you greater control.
With custom payment thresholds and manual payouts, you dictate when you want to get paid. Set your payment threshold to suit your needs, rule over your mining.
Learn more here.
Monitoring revenue and miner performance on Luxor
Once you’ve started hashing, grab yourself a beer! It’ll take about 5 minutes for your worker to appear on our stats page. To find your user, simply go to mining.luxor.tech and type in your wallet address at the top of the searchbar or login into your account. You should see something like this:
To make your life easier, we developed the smartest Mining Bot: Lifeguard. He is available 24/7 and always in a good mood to answer all of your questions and track your miners status and performance.
Happy Hashing!
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