HyperSpace - SpaceCash Innosilicon S11 Setup Guide
Hyperspace is a Siacoin fork. Hyperspace network will be a global storage marketplace fueled by SpaceCash cryptocurrency.
With reduced profitability of Siacoin mining due to increased network difficulty many of our community members are looking for other coins to mine that share the same Blake2b Algorithm as Sia.
That’s why we’re looking into making a pool for this new project. We want to offer our miners a wide range of options to choose from.
If you’re a new miner looking for a setup guide for your Bitmain A3 miner — have no fear, we’re here to help!
To get started, navigate to your dashboard by finding your miners’ IP address using your router or IP scanner. The page will look something like this:
In the top bar, click on Miner Configuration. You should see the option to mine with a number of different pools. We’re going to set it up with Luxor’s HyperSpace Mining Pool, the best mining pool — disclaimer: we’re slightly biased :)
To check out more about Luxor Mining click here.
We have multiple nodes all over the world, so you as a miner can get the fastest latency. Our minimum payout is 1000 SpaceCash and we automatically pay that out hourly.
Okay, that’s enough promoting for one day… lets continue setting up your Innosilicon S11!
Pick one of the above Stratum nodes (ensure it is port 3344), and type in the pool setting as follows:
URL: stratum+tcp://space-us.luxor.tech:3344
(set to your nearest location)
Worker: YourSpaceCashAddress.username
(username can be anything, but avoid using symbols or special characters as it may be an invalid username)
Password: 123
For the other nodes (Pool 2 and Pool 3), feel free to use any of the other region nodes, such as space-eu.luxor.tech:3344.
Once you’ve started hashing, grab yourself a beer! It’ll take about 5 minutes for your worker to appear on our stats page. To find your user, simply go to mining.luxor.tech/hyperspace and type in your wallet address at the top of the searchbar. You should see something like this:
Happy Hashing!
Having issues? We’re on Discord. Ping us there at https://discord.gg/5qPRbDS
Also, follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/LuxorTechTeam