AION GPU Setup Guide
Aion is a multi-tier blockchain network designed to enable the decentralized internet by providing a protocol and standard for dissimilar systems to communicate. Aion is designed to solve unique industry problems like scalability and interoperability in blockchain networks. On top of that, the Aion network will allow to create a contiguous value chain across networks.
Whether you are already mining Aion with another pool, or are new to the network, follow this guide to join us at Luxor!
Disclaimer: Aion miner and wallet are Linux (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) only.
Getting an Aion Address
Using Kernel Binary
- Download the latest Aion kernel release from the official github repository and unpack the archive
- Navigate to the Aion kernel folder, open the terminal and run ./ -a create to create a new address.
- Your keystore file which holds your private key will be saved in the /aion/keystore folder. Save it somewhere secure along with your public key.
Should look something like this:
How to check your balance?
In order to check your balance run the following command:
How to unlock your account?
Before making transactions you’ve to unlock your account. Run the following command to unlock your wallet:
personal.unlockAccount('{YourWalletAddress}', '{YourPassword}', {milisecondsToUnlock})
If unlocking is successful, the output will be true; otherwise false.
How to make an AION transaction
Use the following command to issue AION payments:
eth.sendTransaction({from: '{YourWalletAddress}', to: '{ReceiverAddress}', value: {AmountToTransfer}})
Setting Up the Miner
You’ll need to download and install the correct mining software that supports your Nvidia cards. We recommend Smartminer 3.1 Nvidia CUDA Miner over the Aion Nvidia CUDA Miner.
Download the latest miner build from the SmartMiner github repository and ensure you’ve the appropriate drivers to run the miner depending on your card.
Then run the SmartMiner executable and enter the following miner string:
./SmartMiner.v3.1 -l LuxorStratumNode -cd 0 1 2 3 4 5 -u YourWalletAddress.WorkerName -t 2
Luxor Stratum Nodes
-cd [Number of GPUs]
Start from 0 and increase the number accordingly for the amount of GPUs that your rig has. Example for 6 GPUs:
-cd 0 1 2 3 4 5
-t Amount of threads
Example for running dual-thread GPUs
-t 2
Aion Blockchain Explorer
You can always check every transaction made by us in the Blockchain Explorer. Also, you can see more useful stats like the amount of Txid’s made in 24 hours or block times.
Once you’ve started hashing, grab yourself a beer! It’ll take about 5 minutes for your worker to appear on our stats page. To find your user, simply go to and type in your username at the top of the search bar. Should look like this:
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